Wednesday, 9 December, 1942 - Stan's letter

Usual address

Wednesday  9/12/42

My Own Darling,

Your letter yesterday was the only bright spot in the whole day!  I wasn’t half in a bad mood with myself.

I thought about you Dear, yesterday & wondered if you were having your exam & how you were doing.  When are the results made known by the way.

I had a letter from home this morning, but there was very little news in it.  Mother said she & Janet went to Barnsley on Saturday morning to see “The Young Mr Pitt” & so Janet didn’t get up to see Vera, & there has not been another meeting of the “Mothers Club” & so there was nothing to interest you in the despatch!!

Everyone at No. 19 wished to be remembered to you, however, & when you next write home, you might tell your Father that the watch is still going which he mended for me.

Well, Darling, I have been back just a week, but how much longer it has seemed.  Those heavenly nights we spent together, although every little detail is still clear cut in this so called brain of mine, seem centuries ago.  Still, being of an optimistic nature, I am already counting the days to Jan 1 – 5 & have commenced scheming to get a 48 hrs leave!  Do you think you will have restored your shattered nerves by then, my dear?

How did you make out with your ir-rational patients the other night.  What a life for a girl like you to lead!  You should be looking after me, instead of batty women.  Don’t you agree?  Still plenty of practice, for many more months away from you & I shall need your care in that direction, also.

Well, Angel, my lunch is up & I must get back to work.  There’s not much news in this note, but it will serve to show that I am still thinking about you & loving you as much as ever.

Au revoir, Darling.  Yours Stan.   xxxxx



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