Monday, 25 January, 1943
Monday, 5 p.m.
My Own Precious Darling,
Here I am, once again back at the old address. To-day has been a dreadful day. Just rain, rain and more rain. To make matters worse I felt a cold coming before I went home and during the last four days it has fully developed. Ah me – these things come to try us.
You might like to know that I took your advice and came back by train from Cudworth. Dad came with me to the station – his first day out at that. My train left at 1.25 p.m. and arrived here at 3.45 p.m. – straight through too, so it was good going.
As I was waiting for the train I remembered the last time I visited Cudworth station. It was to see you off after a 48 hrs leave. I missed you then Dear, but this time it went deeper than just missing you. Darling, as every minute has ticked by whilst I have been at home, have I longed for you. My Precious – I wonder if you really realise how great a part of my life you have become. You are my one thought – waking and sleeping. Yes – believe it or not, I have dreamt about you a great deal during the last few nights.
Everything I have done has, in some way or other, a memory of you attached. Saturday night, as I was sitting by the bedroom fire, Vera remarked how nice it would be if you were only sitting there too. How nice! How mild that is – it would have been just heavenly. I always had such a marvellous feeling run through me as I snuggled by your side.
And now Darling – we both have to wait patiently for the day when we shall thrill to each others touch again – the day when we will belong to each other! Once again I say that that day cannot come too soon.
Last night I spent at your home. Or at least, I went for tea and stayed until 10 p.m. Your father brought me as far as the “Manor Inn” back again. You see Dear – they are taking care of me whilst you are not here and not running the risks of anybody running away with me in the “black-out”.
7 p.m.
I have just returned from a lecture. We are supposed to be taking the “Eye” but what the Dr has talked about to-night I do not know. He has just gabled and repeated himself until he got himself and us in a muddle. My headache did not improve matters either. Half-way through the lecture Kit and I amused ourselves by writing notes to each other.
By the way – my sister-in-law came over yesterday and she told Vera that she would like to see me to apologise for the state she and the house were in when we went last and for not offering us a cup of tea or inviting us to lunch. She said that she never thought about it until we had gone.
Bessie has had several letters recently from Eric that were posted before Christmas. He is definitely somewhere in North Africa.
No more for now Darling. Good night and sweet dreams.
Yours with love and forever, Grace xxxxxxxx
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