Sunday, 17 January, 1943 - Stan

Usual address

Sunday lunchtime   

My Very Own Darling,

Well, you’ve been back at the Hospital for a week, now!  Have you got settled down again yet.  I am beginning to get back into the “rut” again, but the memory of our last eight days together are so deeply set into my mind that no matter how much I try to concentrate on work, little things you did & said during that heavenly period still keep popping up!

Thanks very much for the photographs, Angel.  They are just the ones I should have picked had I had the chance.  The people I have shown them to, all agree that I am a very lucky bloke having you to stay at home and wait for me.  I don’t need them to tell me, though Dear; I realise it more & more every day.

I am glad the interview with the Matron went off OK.  Fancy accepting another five days off!!  My; you must have no conscience at all.  Didn’t it even prick you just a little bit?  Your bit of fibbing has brought you a bit of extra leave.  Darling, how jealous I am.  I wish I could look forward to being with you again in such a short time.   I’ve never wanted to return to Grimethorpe so badly as I do now.

Will Kit be off at the same time as you again?  She would be able to go to Grimethorpe with you and help you pass the time on, but as you say, you have plenty to fill in your spare time.

ENSA came over and did us a show on Thursday, which was quite enjoyable.  They did Noel Coward’s “Hay Fever” & it was really amusingly played by a good company.

Well, Darling, I should like to go on writing, but I am rather busy (“same old story” I can hear you saying) & so I shall have to dry up.  I promise there’ll be a longer one to-morrow night, but I thought this might reach you for Monday morning, with a bit of luck.

As always, Angel, you have my love.  Yours, Stan.  xxxxx

P.S. If there’s any left over send some to 56 Brierley Road, will you.  SB


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