Wednesday, 13 January, 1943 - Stan's letter


On 5 January, 1943, Stan was awarded a Certificate of Good Service ( see above)  This is the Home Services equivalent of being Mentioned in Dispatches, but he only found out on the 12th, having arrived back at his base.

Home Forces



My Very Own Darling,

It’s 11 p.m. on my first day back in the Army & as you can guess I am not feeling very happy.  I’ve just finished work & I have just been thinking of you for about the 100th time to-day.  I thought it might help to cheer me up a little if I wrote to you.

I suppose you will be hard at it now, just as I am preparing to go to bed.  It’s a funny life isn’t it?

The postman let me down today when he didn’t bring a letter from you.  I was a wee bit disappointed, but I suppose one will arrive tomorrow.

I eventually arrived back last night about 11.30 p.m. & as you can guess I was sick of travelling.  I spent a brief 3 hours at Cranwell & achieved my purpose of seeing my Grandma, who happily was a little brighter.  It would not surprise me, however, if I don’t see her again.  She looked very frail!

Earlier in the evening I was thinking about our adventures of last Wednesday & telling one of my friends about how we lied to the Matron.  Oh Darling.  How happy I was when I knew you were really not going back that morning, but that we were to be together for another three whole days.  What a long time it seemed then, but how short it was in actual fact!!  Did you get over your interview with the Matron OK by the way.  I have wondered often during the last four days.  I suppose you will let me have the full story in your letter tomorrow.

I think I told you about being recommended for a Good Service Certificate when I was on leave before Christmas, didn’t I?  Well the award appeared officially in Eastern Command Orders – you know the sort of thing: “The G.O.C. in C has pleasure in awarding etc”!!  I think I mentioned that it is the equivalent of being mentioned in despatches on active service, didn’t I.  I am quite pleased about it.

But enough about me & to talk of you.  Have you got settled down completely.  I suppose memories of that marvellous time we spent together still keep creeping out from between the bandages & dressings.  I know they have kept appearing before my mind's eye all day.  I don’t think I have ever felt so happy & contented as I was when I was in your arms last week, my Darling.  Hurry up the day when you will always be there to look after me & make me feel just (or probably more) contented.  Believe me, my Precious, when I say that that day is all that I am living for now.

I am feeling much better now, although very tired.  I shall have to say “Goodnight”.  Would that I could say it in the same manner that I did a week ago.

Write back to me soon, Angel, won’t you.  Your letters are the brightest spot of my existence nowadays.

And, until next time, keep my love.  I know that I have yours.  Always yours, Stan. xx


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