Friday, 19 February, 1943
My Own Darling,
What a queer week it has been with only one letter from you. It will be grand though if I receive several together.
I would like to make this letter a really long one but nothing fresh has happened since I wrote you last.
However, here are my latest “doings”.
I went to the party given by Kit. I believe I mentioned it in my last letter. Everybody enjoyed themselves and no-body got drunk! Not that there was a chance of that as we had nothing stronger than cider.
I had a letter and a parcel from Vera yesterday. The doctor will not let her get up yet.
I wrote back to her and at the same time wrote to your Mother. Have you written home yet? I sincerely hope you have or I dare not turn up at no: 19 the next time I go home. Unless of course I take some more violets or some such peace offering.
To-day has been a very busy one for us (“us” being the nursing staff of ward 2). We have had only 2 discharges and 6 admissions. To improve matters one nurse has had to go for a week to look after a sick Grandmother. Yes Dear, this really is a genuine case.
Whenever I think of that incident I have to laugh, “Father” * I think that I had better help the war effort and write on both sides of my paper.
Bessie has not heard from Eric for three weeks.
I came off duty at about 5.15 a.m. today. I had an invitation to a dance but it was about 8 miles away and I wasn’t sure of getting back to-night so I decided to be a good girl and stay at home and sew!
My sewing at present consists of a cushion cover upon which I am embroidering a dog – just like Kiltie. Don’t know whether it is spelt with a “y” or “ie”.
What do you think I had to do yesterday? You will never guess. I had to help to splint up a rabbit’s front legs!! Did I say this was a hospital for people or pets? We could not let the poor little thing lie there forever and not do anything about it.
The rabbit belongs to “The Sister”. The worst of the two. About a month ago it had five babies and the two porters here have made separate hutches for them now. They are so well made that the rabbits can push the doors open (or at least, they could) Consequently, the Mother & one young one pushed open the doors and fell out. The young one died and the Mother sustained a fracture of both front legs.
The latest bulletin issued was “The rabbit is doing well. She can now walk quite well with her legs splinted and has nibbled through the bandage and eaten half of one of her splints.”!
And now Darling – no more to-night. Laughton has just reminded me that if I don’t hurry I shall not get a bath before “lights out” so Goodnight Darling and all my love.
I was so thrilled to receive your letter this morning. You have certainly had me worried all week. I am so glad you have written home too.
Darling, your letters just make me long to be with you again. I know that I often – yes always – want to be near you but when I have a letter from you I want to more than ever.
This so and so war! I wonder how much longer it will last? Ah me! I am afraid that I get a little impatient at times. I am sure that you must too. If only we were a bit nearer. However – don’t take any notice of me. It is that I love you so much Darling, I don’t ever want to be parted from you.
You know that though don’t you Dear?
And now Dear – I must fly. Considering that I had nothing of interest to tell you when I started writing last night I think that six pages is quite a good effort. Yes: I know the saying “self praise, etc.”
Until next time, Dearest – you have all my love. Yours for ever, Grace xxxxxxx
* If you don't understand this, look back at the posts for 6th and 9th January.
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