Friday, 26 February to 2 March, 1943
Letter No. 2 G.H. Annexe
My Own Darling,
I really must tell you my bit of good news – or at least – its good news to me – Kit is out at Selston!
Isn’t it grand. Kit says that she is quite willing to change places with you. She is already fed up with the place and she has only been here 4 hours. However, I suppose she will settle down alright – she will have to for 3 months, I am afraid. I know that I am very pleased to have her here.
This morning's post brought a letter from your Mother. She said that John, Janet and herself were going to Cranwell for the weekend. Kiltie is going too. I suppose that you will have a letter from home telling you all about it.
I missed your letter this morning, Darling. I usually have one Friday morning. However – I am looking forward to the dozen I hope to receive all at once.
Time is very late so until to-morrow Dear, Good-night , and pleasant dreams.
Saturday, 27th 8 p.m.
I am alone in the sitting room – the wireless is playing some beautiful music and my thoughts for the last ten minutes have been back to the first week of January 1943. Those marvellous days we had together. The one day that I remember particularly was the one at your home when we spent the afternoon half sleeping and listening to the wireless. I don’t think I need say any more about it. That description should bring the memory back to you.
In spite of the weather we made the most of that leave. And that day in Leeds! I laugh now when I think about it, but at the time it was a true test of our patience. I think that we both stood the test fairly well, however.
Another incident which I have to smile at was the “last” day of my leave when we trudged through the snow to put through a long distance telephone call.
Ah me! I suppose it is no good reminiscing but I love looking back, don’t you?
The most marvellous of all our experiences together was your last 24 hours. It was a promise of things to come.
Of course it was just like me to “spoil” things the next day.
However – these things come to try us.
Tuesday 2.3.43
Really – this weather is almost too good to be true. March has “come in like a lamb”. It is a glorious day – the sun is shining and the birds singing.
Kit and I went for a walk this morning. We have managed to find a nice walk at last. It was really lovely out. The buds are just beginning to burst and the “pussy willows” are out.
Yesterday was my day-off. Sister let me go off duty 10 mins earlier than I should have done last Sunday, to catch a bus to Nottingham. As it happened the bus was early, so I missed it. The next bus was full with visitors so consequently I did not get into Nottingham any earlier. I got off duty at 3.20 p.m. and arrived at the G.H.N. at 6.20 p.m. I had arranged to go to the pictures with a friend there but it was too late so we decided to be really rash and go to the “Flying Horse” for dinner. It was very good too.
It is quite alright – don’t get worried – we were in quite early (not early morning either) and we had behaved ourselves.
Monday morning I went to Woodthorpe to see Mrs Brown and stayed there for lunch. Monday afternoon I went to the “Cedars Convalescent Home” to see Nan. The Scotch girl I have mentioned sometimes. She is much improved and hopes to be out at the weekend.
I then went back for a lecture at the G.H.N. I was ½ hour late – and didn’t Sister-Tutor let me know it! I had forgotten all about it until I heard the clock strike 4. I dashed up to the hospital and arrived just as Sister was leaving the school-room. She gave me some practical work to do while she had her tea.
Of course she picked at everything – just out of spite then. She comes out here tomorrow to give us a lecture. I expect she will try to be so “sweet”.
I suppose I had better shut up and not be catty. Or at least – go careful until I have got my “final”.
How I wish it were next year at this time. My “finals” might be over and even the war might. However – in this case – wishing will not make it so. We will have to work hard to achieve both ends.
It’s time I went back on duty Dear – so until next time Cheerio.
All my love Darling.
Grace xxxxxxx
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