Saturday, 6 February, 1943

G. H. Annexe
Notts.           6.2.43      

My Precious Darling,

I received your letter this morning together with one from your Mother.  I suppose that you will also have had one from your Mother.

Darling, why did you not write home?  Your Mother seems terribly upset about it and also that she found out from my Mother that you were coming before she ever heard from you.  Another thing was that you were going to spend your last leave with me in Nottingham if I could not get home.  However, I suppose your Mother will have mentioned that too.  As luck will have it I can get home but even if I could not I would not let you come to Nottingham now.

Stan Darling, please do not let me come between you and your parents, ever.  I do not want to be the cause of any trouble.

I will have to write to your Mother to-day but what I shall say I do not know.  Please write home Dear and apologise – if only to please me.

You said that you were coming to Doncaster to meet me but you had better not as I do not know what time I shall arrive.  It all depends upon how soon Sister lets me go off duty.

If you are going home Tuesday it will be no good writing again as you will not receive it before you leave.

The thought that next time I have anything to say to you I will be able to say it to you personally instead of through my pen is almost too good to be true.  Wednesday cannot come too soon.

Until Wed: then Darling you have my love.  Yours for ever, Grace

PS  Please do not forget my request will you?


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