Sunday, 14 February, 1943

G.H. Annexe

Sunday   1.30 p.m.       

My Own Darling,

It is now three days since I left you – it seems like three years.  Why is it that time goes so slowly when one wants it to go quickly and vice-versa?

By now, you should be settled down to daily routine once again – I am – just about.  Sister has been an old so-and-so this morning.  She has jumped on the others for no reason at all and actually had one nurse in tears.  This place is dismal enough without Sister making everybody miserable.  However, she is going to preach at the local chapel this afternoon so I will have to endeavour to restore peace once again while she is away.

Why do women get like that? (spinsters)  Yes – I know what your answer is to that.

It is time I went back on duty.  I will finish this when I come off at 3.30 p.m.  If I am late she might jump on me.  Not that I would really mind.  After four years it is like “water off a duck’s back” They can’t help it, poor things!!

Same day   4 p.m.

To-day is lovely.  The sun is shining and there is a soft wind blowing.  It would be a lovely day for a walk on Brierley Common with you.

Do you remember a windy Sunday when we once before walked on Brierley Common?  I can remember how embarrassed I felt when my skirt blew up.

It must be nearly a year since that incident.

I don’t suppose I would mind if that happened now.  You see what I dreadful woman you have made me!!

I also remember telling you – whilst we were sitting on the Common, that I was never going to write to you again.  I have altered my opinion a bit since that day!  Thank goodness!

I am so very glad that I did continue writing to you.  You have altered my life, Darling.  This last year has been such a very happy one and worth all my other twenty-one put together.

I have come to love you so much Darling.  You are in my thoughts hundreds of times a day.  But then – you know that, don’t you?

To-morrow is my day off.  I am going to spend it at the “Nurses Home” of the G.H.  If I do not hurry I shall miss my bus – so, Bye Darling.  Yours for ever,  Grace   xxxxxx



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