Thursday, 25 February, 1943

General Hospital Annexe                                                                         No. 1


My Own Darling,

Your last letter arrived Tuesday morning.

I am afraid that the contents were a bit upsetting at first but like you Darling I am looking upon each day that passes as being one day nearer “the day when we shall meet again”.

I often think of you Dear and wonder where you are and what you are doing.  I wondered too whether or not you received my last letter or whether it will arrive with this one.  I hope you did.

Spring has certainly been with us this week.  Yesterday was an especially nice day.  The sun was really warm.  It was my day-off too.  It wasn’t a very exciting day as I had two lectures.  One in the afternoon and then I had to catch a bus into Notts as the second one was at the G.H.N.

Laughton says that I have to tell you that we are sitting in the “sun lounge”.  The “sun lounge” being our bedrooms.  As this was intended for a school the windows are very large.  Nice in summer – I should imagine – but very draughty when the wind is strong.

I hope to go home again in a fortnight’s time.  That is, of course, if Sister lets me go earlier than I ought to.  As I gave up off-duty on Monday to go into the Out-Patients Dept. with a child I think that she might.  The child being aged 4 and having a wooden leg.  Isn’t that awful?

I had a letter from Vera this morning.  She said that all at home wish to be remembered to you.

Last Thursday your Mother took her knitting up and stayed with Vera all morning.

Bessie has had two letters from Eric.  In one he says he hopes to be home for this Birthday which is on April 6th.  I say we shall have to “wait and see”.

As I have my “homework” to do I suppose I had better close.  Almost like being at school again, is it not?  The homework being about “Hot Wet Pads” and “Local and General Cold Applications”.  Wouldn’t you like to do it for me?

Bye-bye then Darling – I will write again to-morrow.  All my love, Grace  xxxxxx


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