Tuesday, 16 February, 1943
APO 4660
Tuesday evening
My Own Darling,
Well here I am again, much sooner than I expected! There’s no change to report at the moment. (“Thank Goodness” I can hear you saying).
Last week at this time my dear I was counting the hours to the time when I should once more be with you to enjoy the thrill of being near you & able to hold you in my arms.
Looking back on that simply exotic night of last week it seems to be but a grand dream which happened ages ago. How the days have dragged since I left you at the station on Thursday! How I hope that the months that are before us don’t seem so long that they are almost interminable.
The only bright spots this week have been the two letters I have received from you – both of them to-day. Funnily enough, too, I received the one you wrote on Sunday this morning and the one you wrote on Friday, this evening. What a post office the Army has got! I hope it functions a bit better when we get abroad!
The most difficult thing for me, Darling, is going to be the waiting for your letters. During the last year they have become almost like a drug to me - & you know what happens to drug addicts when they don’t get their supplies regularly!! Not that there is any danger of me falling to pieces in the wrong sense, my Dear, but I shall miss getting a letter from you every other day or so!
Yes, I often look back on that Sunday morning incident on Brierley Common – as I look back many times a week on the happenings of the last year. I like looking back because it makes me realise more than anything else what thrills & pleasure we have found in this our first year together - & what is more – what a grand life lays mapped out for us to follow when – & you know the rest.
I lay in bed for hours at various times, Darling, making plans & thinking of just you & me. I am simply aching for the day when, instead of dreaming of these things I can put them into operation for the benefit of just ourselves.
You don’t realise what a thrill it gives me to read in our letter that the last year has been one of the happiest you have ever had. Believe me, I could go on reading it for ever, so don’t get tired of telling me. In fact it sounds better every time I hear it!
That Sister of yours sounds a proper hypocrite. Chasing you nurses around one minute & then going & spreading the Gospel the next. That type of religion makes me wonder, doesn’t it you.
I managed a night at the pictures last night. I saw Ann Sheridan in “Juke Girl”. It is a grand wise-cracking film which you want to see if you get the opportunity.
Well, I suppose I had better write a few lines to Mother. I sent her the new address the other day, so I suppose she will be wondering what has happened to me since then.
I’ll write another letter to you on Friday, my Darling.
Until then, keep my
love. Yours ever, Stan xxxxx
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