Undated Letter from Stan (No. 1)
9 Corps Signals
APO 4660
My Own Darling,
Such a lot of interesting things have happened recently & I am sure you would be interested to read of them. There’s just one fly in the ointment, however, that is the Censorship Regulations. I have just been to a lecture on them & have come away with the impression that there are not many things that one is allowed to write about.
However, my Darling, as I know you will be wanting to hear as much as possible – here goes!
The new accommodation I have got, though not luxurious is comparatively comfortable under the circumstances. The fact that I am a sergeant of course makes things a bit better. For instance, we share the 1st Class Dining Room with the officers for our meals & have a lounge and writing room for our use during off duty hours. I am sitting in it writing this letter to you.
It is something like what I should like for the house that we shall have one day, Angel. The walls are panelled in light walnut & the corners are all rounded . The wall lights & those in the ceiling are all let-in, making the surfaces in the room almost flat and dust-proof!
I cannot aptly describe my adventures in a hammock!! I shall have to leave that until I next see you. It certainly is funny, I can assure you!
With not getting a letter from you at the end of last week, my Dear, it seems simply ages since I heard from you. I was wondering before I went to sleep last night how long I shall have to wait before I hear from you again & am able to read that you are still loving & caring for me (that being the next best thing to hearing you tell me in your own sweet way).
I am thinking of you always, my Darling. Thinking of you and the future is about the only thing that makes me feel really happy nowadays. To tell you the truth I have not really got settled down again since our last leave together, it was so heavenly.
Well, if the censor would only allow me, I could go on writing all night, but I should perhaps give too much of the game away, so I had better shut up.
I have written to my Mother as well today, so I suppose she will get one on the same day as you. You will have to excuse the letter in pencil, but my ink supply is only sufficient to address your envelope.
Give my kind regards to your Mother & Father & to Vera. If I can manage the time during the next few days, I will drop a few lines to them.
Cheerio for now, My Darling,
& all my love. Yours Stan xxxxxx
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