Thursday, 4 - Saturday 6 March, 1943
My Own Darling,
I wish that I had something really interesting to write about but I am afraid that I have not.
Nothing spectacular has happened since I posted your last letter two days ago.
Yesterday was lecture day again, so Kit, Laughton and myself had to take a trip to the G.H.N.
I hope to go home next week end. Instead of having evening Sunday – day off Monday I shall ask for day off Sunday. I have a better chance of getting home Saturday night than Sunday. I hope this weather holds as I dislike the journey home when it is wet – especially if I have to wait in Doncaster. I sincerely hope that the weather is as nice where you are as it is here.
Friday 5.3.43
As “we three” were off together this morning we decided to go shopping. The first shop we arrived at (after ¼ hours walk) was supposed to be “The Post Office” come “village store”. We asked for at least half a dozen articles but they were out of stock of them all except one which cost us a penny. We next arrived at a little pastry shop (another 10 minutes walk away) and asked for some cakes. They hadn’t any – only a few loaves of bread. They had on view however a violin case – an old fashioned rose bowl – the type made of plain glass with a gilt top. They also had on view a very old fashioned vegetable dish – I nearly bought it for my bottom drawer!!!
The shop was very dingy and plastered all over with old adverts. You know the sort – Pears soap – metal polish, etc. It smelt very musty too so really we were very glad they hadn’t any cakes.
We eventually found a drapers shop – they actually had some embroidery silks but not any the colours I wanted. I am still hunting for green and gold to finish my cover.
However, it is not such a bad spot really.
Saturday 6th
As “we three” were off duty again together we decided to go to the next village and see what the shops had to offer there. I am afraid that they were not much of an improvement on the Selston ones, so we came in early and here I am finishing your letter.
Kit said that she would write you a few lines – just to let you know that I am behaving myself!
Kit has gone “all glamorous” by having her hair permed. Well – all I can say is that she jolly well ought to get herself a boyfriend now.
And now my Dear it is tea time. The usual hospital tea I suppose – bread and
jam. Still – I suppose we are lucky to
get jam. Oh! I forgot, we might
get our butter ration today.
Until next time then Darling – all my love. Yours for ever. Grace xxxxxx
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