
Monday, 8 March, 1943

General Hospital Annexe                                                     No. 4 Selston Notts. 8.3.43       My Own Darling, I received your letter this morning.   It came as a marvellous surprise Darling.   I really did not expect one for another week or two.   It was really wonderful.   I have just written home and to your Mother telling them “all the news”. My Dear, the best part of your letter was hearing how much you still care. Try not to get downhearted Darling.   You did sound just a little depressed.   Remember – after this war we will be able to do all that we have planned to do and that we shall be together for always.   I love you so much Darling – you are...

5 - 8 March, 1943. Stan's Letter no. 3.

Note: On 5 March, 1943, according to his service record, Stan arrived in ‘North African Theatre of Operations’.  This may have been through the port of Oran, but it certainly seems that they landed somewhere in Algeria.  Although this letter is initially undated, Stan later put in the dates of 5 and 6 February, but this is an error - he means March. Sgt. S. Bristow                                                                                                   (3) 2364226 Headquarters 9 Corps Signals c/o ...

Thursday, 4 - Saturday 6 March, 1943

General Hospital Annexe                                           No. 3   4.3.43 Selston        Notts. My Own Darling, I wish that I had something really interesting to write about but I am afraid that I have not. Nothing spectacular has happened since I posted your last letter two days ago. Yesterday was lecture day again, so Kit, Laughton and myself had to take a trip to the G.H.N. I hope to go home next week end.   Instead of having evening Sunday – day off Monday I shall ask for day off Sunday.   I have a better chance of getting home Saturday night than Sunday.   I hope this weather holds as I dislike the journey home when it is wet – especially if I have to wait in Doncaster.   I sincerely hope that the weather ...

Two Precious Pictures

 Before setting off to go overseas, Stan prepared two precious photographs.  The first, and larger of the two, was a studio portrait of Grace.  This was never mentioned in the letters, so I suspect that she may have given him the photo as a Christmas present when they were together in early January. The second photograph was taken on a Box Brownie, or similar, amateur camera and shows his parents, George and Mabel, and the twins, John and Janet, together with the dog, Kiltie.  It was taken in the back garden of his home on Burntwood Road, Grimethorpe. Stan has managed to find two pieces of Perspex and used them to cover the photos.  He has backed them with sturdy brown cardboard and held them together with a border of sticky brown paper.   Stan took these and carried them with him throughout the rest of the war.

Undated letter from Stan (No. 2)

Sgt. S. Bristow                                                                                                   (2) 2364226 Headquarters 9 Corps Signals c/o APO 4660   Undated My Very Own Darling, The flaming sun is beginning to sink into the calm blueness which is the sea, warning us that evening is approaching.   All day it has been beating down on the deck &, but for a stiff cooling breeze which has been blowing off the sea, the day would have been as hot as any English summer day. ...

Friday, 26 February to 2 March, 1943

  Letter No. 2                                                                          G.H. Annexe                                                                                               26.2.43      My Own Darling, I really must tell you my bit of good news – or at least – its good news to me – Kit is out at Selston! Isn’t it grand.   Kit says that she is quite w...

Thursday, 25 February, 1943

General Hospital Annexe                                                                         No. 1 Selston Notts 25.2.43      My Own Darling, Your last letter arrived Tuesday morning. I am afraid that the contents were a bit upsetting at first but like you Darling I am looking upon each day that passes as being one day nearer “the day when we shall meet again”. I often think of you Dear and wonder where you are and what you are doing.   I wondered too whether or not you received my last letter or whether it will arrive with this one.   I hope you did. Spring has certainly been with us this ...