Nottingham General Hospital

Trying to visualise Grace in 1942 and where she was working, I looked on eBay and found the postcard below of Nottingham General Hospital, probably taken in the early 1930's.

I realised that I had a photograph of Grace, taken outside the circular building shown on the postcard. 

Nottingham General Hospital was founded in 1782 on Standard Hill, just above and behind Nottingham Castle.  Buildings were added over the years and, by the time Grace worked there, the buildings surrounded a grass quadrangle where, apparently, the doctors and nurses played tennis in the summer.  The circular building was the Jubilee Wing, where beds were arranged around the outer walls and the nurses' station was in the centre, allowing the nurses to see all their patients easily.  The hospital was close to the city centre, only a five-minute walk.

I recently visited the site and some of the old buildings remain, converted into flats.  The lower floors of the Jubilee Wing are now a pub.  The buildings on two sides of the quadrangle have been knocked down and new blocks of flats built.  Nottingham City General Hospital now occupies a different site.  

Here are a couple of photographs showing the site today.  The first one shows the postcard view and is taken from the entrance to the new flats.

                                                                                                                        Liz Whitehouse


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