Probably 30 January, 1943
The General Hospital Annexe Selston Notts. My Own Precious Darling, This morning I received the first letter you wrote me last Sunday. It must have arrived at Grimethorpe Monday afternoon, Mother sent it to the G.H.N. and once again it had to be re-posted. I was sorry to hear that you too have a cold. I wonder if my germs have been posted to you or vice-versa. You finished your first letter with “Until tonight Darling, as always, you have my love”. Wouldn’t it have been just heavenly if it had been so – if only for a few hours. But then, I suppose if we did see each other for a few hours we would not be satisfied and it would make us unsettled again. Ah me! Wishful thinking! By the way, you wondered if I took my sewing when I visited your home. As a matter of fact I did take my sewing up on the Sunday and we all had tea round the fire. There was only one thing wrong – you were not there to ...